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Cushions for Nurses and Doctors

Personalised cushions for nurses and doctors

Studying medicine or nursery is very esciting. If you know someone who is finally going to finish their studies, surprise them with a very special gift: personalised cushions for doctors and nurses! With this little but unique gift, you will add the finishing touch to a hard episode of their lives.

On our website, we have many pre-designed templates that you can personalise to your taste as you will want to create an original model for the person you know.. If you prefer you can also create your own cushion with photo for nurses and doctors, or with text, drawings or as you think it will surprise you more.

There are several sizes to pick between, but our best-seller is the 35x35 cm one. It's a practical and beautiful gift for any corner of your home. On our website you can customise every part of the cushion from choosing the fabric: Panama, satin or polyester, to the color of the zip. As long as you know more or less how you want the cushion to look like, then it'll be an easy task to personalise it.